
Brexit for America

Should we give Washington still more power over our lives – or “Take back control” Paul Driessen Independence Day weekend is a perfect time to reflect on personal freedoms and responsibilities. The Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence were about overbearing, despotic kings. Brexit, Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, was much about overbearing […]

July 6, 2016  /  No Comments ››

More job-killing rules from EPA

Social cost of methane regulations will further constrain energy production, for no benefit  Paul Driessen Having already done yeoman’s work stifling economic growth and job creation, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is doubling down again. The United States created a paltry 38,000 new jobs in May: one for every 8,000 Americans. Its labor force participation rate […]

June 13, 2016  /  No Comments ››

How the West got healthy and prosperous

Vital ingredients included the scientific method and fossil fuels – truths we forget at our peril Paul Driessen Several years ago, physician, statistician, sword swallower and vibrant lecturer Hans Rosling produced a fascinating 4-minute video that presented 120,000 data points and showcased how mostly western nations became healthy and prosperous in just 200 years – after countless millennia […]

June 8, 2016  /  No Comments ››

Graduates face a big challenge

When they go into the Real World, college and high school grads will actually have to THINK Paul Driessen As they don caps and gowns, endure commencement speeches and take their diplomas, many high school and college graduates face bleak prospects in an economy that grew a dismal 0.5% the first quarter. The United States added […]

May 23, 2016  /  No Comments ››

Climate Hustle demolishes climate alarmism

Be sure to see this movie Monday, May 2 – during its one-night nationwide engagement Without presenting it to the US Senate, as required by the Constitution, President Obama has signed the Paris climate treaty. He is already using it to further obligate the United States to slash its fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions […]

April 29, 2016  /  No Comments ››

Masters of disguise

‘Green’ evangelicals disguise anti-life policies as pro-life, perpetuating suffering and death E. Calvin Beisner, Janice Shaw Crouse and Austin Ruse The evangelical “creation care” movement professes to be pro-life and, for the most part, rightly so. But some creation care advocates give reason to wonder. Case in point: the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) recently launched […]

March 16, 2016  /  No Comments ››

A new strategy for tax cheats

You can guess what would happen if you used the same tactics that climate alarmists employ Paul Driessen Suppose you’ve been using some creative data, accounting and legal interpretations for years to reduce your tax bill – and the IRS suddenly flags you for a full-blown audit. Instead of trembling in your boots, shredding your records, […]

December 15, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Government-style “fairness” for the 1%

Obama cronies get abundant favors – at the expense of working class Americans Paul Driessen Liberals love to extol their deep compassion for the poor, whom conservatives allegedly don’t give a fig about. Thus our Community-Organizer-in-Chief pontificates endlessly about income inequality, to justify his determination to “fundamentally transform” our nation, so that “everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone […]

November 18, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Climate alarmists want us prosecuted under RICO

Losing the climate science battle, climate alarmists want government to silence skeptics Paul Driessen They haven’t employed the thumb screws, rack or auto-da-fe that churches and states once used to interrogate, silence and eliminate heretics and witches. However, global warming alarmists are well practiced in the modern equivalents, to protect their $1.5-trillion Climate Crisis Industry. […]

October 1, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Obama’s deceitful, unsustainable energy decrees

Wind and solar reap taxpayer loot, while hydrocarbon energy, industries and jobs get pummeled Paul Driessen “That’s not the American way. That’s not progress. That’s not innovation. That’s rent-seeking and trying to protect old ways of doing business, and standing in the way of the future.” That wasn’t the Wall Street Journal lambasting the mandate- […]

October 1, 2015  /  No Comments ››