
Voting for wildlife extermination

“Industrial wind energy mandates, renewable portfolio standards, subsidies, feed-in tariffs and production tax credits fail every test. They flunk environmental standards disastrously. In fact, they are subsidizing the slaughter of countless eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, herons, cranes, egrets, other birds and bats.”

August 2, 2012  /  2 Comments ››

Obama’s green “investments” drown in red ink

“Three years and eight months later, as unemployment has exceeded 8 percent for 41 straight months, Obama seems incapable of keeping this promise. With the worst employment figures since at least 1948, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ started measuring them, Obama has made a dog’s breakfast of jobs – green and otherwise.”

July 25, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Caught in a green crossfire

“The only way any of this makes sense is when you realize that higher gasoline (and electricity) prices are the very purpose of Obama policies. The President just wants to achieve his goals without leaving any fingerprints – and by getting people to blame oil companies instead.”

July 17, 2012  /  No Comments ››

“Greenbacks” energy boondoggles versus real energy

“Subsidies, punitive taxation schemes and “alternative,” non-hydrocarbon energy are often justified by claims that we face imminent manmade catastrophic global warming. In reality, virtually no empirical evidence supports hypotheses, assertions or computer model projections about melting polar icecaps, average global temperatures, storm frequency and intensity, sea levels and other natural phenomena.”

April 18, 2012  /  No Comments ››

“PC” power is not “sustainable”

A little known “renewable energy” program provides generous subsidies for small-scale wind turbines that are being erected on many farms and other properties, to serve one family … at the expense of many taxpayers. It is one more example of Big Government largesse, as part of our growing crony capitalist system, to provide expensive, intermittent, politically correct electricity … under an unsustainable system that will leave our children and grandchildren with soaring electricity prices and monumental debts … for energy that no longer reliably powers our economy.

April 9, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Real American energy could create real American jobs

The president has made 95% of federal lands and waters off-limits to drilling. He has blocked construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring more than 700,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada to Texas. He wants to eliminate oil industry tax deductions, which would mean further reducing U.S. oil production and would make gasoline and diesel fuel even more expensive.

March 30, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Hunting for scapegoats won’t lower pump prices

“The USA has 1.4 trillion barrels of technically recoverable conventional oil, the EIA and other experts estimate, and enormous additional supplies in shale and tight sand deposits. The best way to keep prices down is to produce more of this American oil, and import more from secure, friendly, nearby suppliers like Canada.”

March 30, 2012  /  No Comments ››

The wheels are coming off the wind energy gravy train

A common claim in the news stories is that we are actually an oil-and-gas funded entity. They’ve tied us to the Koch Brothers. We all wish. Apparently they cannot believe that individuals and local groups can think for themselves and impact public policy, without a puppet master telling us what to do and say.

September 14, 2004  /  No Comments ››