
Carbon tax hallucinations

“The net result of a carbon tax will not be new federal revenues. It will be more economic strangulation, a more bloated federal bureaucracy, more layoffs, sharply higher unemployment, food stamp and welfare payouts, reduced corporate and personal income tax receipts – and thus reduced federal revenues.”

February 18, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Who’s afraid of fracking?

“Over the past six decades, the fracturing process has been used more than 1 million times on American oil and gas wells. If it were as dangerous as the anti-drilling/anti-hydraulic fracturing crowd claims, then hundreds, perhaps thousands, of water wells would have been contaminated by now.”

January 16, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Government of, by and for activists

“Predictably, IPI’s lawsuit notice to EPA exploited public susceptibility to misinformation about severe weather events. “The damage caused by Superstorm Sandy was widely linked to some of the potential risks associated with a warming planet.” Climate alarmists have certainly tried to make that link.”

January 7, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Government of, by and for the EPA

“EPA is out of control, and thus far unaccountable for its abuses of power, its disinformation and fraud, and the harm it is inflicting – for little or no health or environmental benefit.

Our founding fathers provided for elections, so that the American people could choose leaders who make the major decisions affecting their lives – and not be subjected to involuntary servitude at the hands of unelected, unaccountable kings or bureaucrats.”

September 12, 2012  /  No Comments ››

54.5 mpg and the law of unintended consequences

“All of us should conserve energy and be responsible stewards of the Earth and its bounties, which God has given us. However, to ignore the unpleasant realities of existing and proposed mileage mandates is unethical, immoral and unjust.”

August 8, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Team Obama fines oil companies for not using fantasy fuel

“Washington’s unyielding, heavy-handed, and nonsensical behavior nonetheless may obscure a sliver of silver lining. The Bush-Obama Administration indeed has invented a hybrid fuel: cellulosic ethanol is one half industrial policy and one half comedy routine.”

August 2, 2012  /  No Comments ››